Home NEWSPOPMusic *The Maccabees 的新單曲Pelican:David Wilson的剖面美學。

*The Maccabees 的新單曲Pelican:David Wilson的剖面美學。

by InSense

So soon we're too old to carry.We knew we only had a little whileIn the middle keep ticking over.Before you know it, parent a parent~♬

The Maccabees 是英國新生代的搖滾代表,曾經拍攝過SAMSUNG的廣告是個可以駕馭輕快曲風也能夠電音魔幻的超實力樂團。「Love You Better」、「First Love」…都是代表歌曲,近期發表了最新單曲Pelican,找來了新銳導演David Wilson做拍攝。


從幕後花絮影片當中也可以看到David Wilson現身說明所有事前準備與拍攝手法,短短影片確需要如此大陣仗讓人驚嘆也深感佩服!

Music by The Maccabees

Director: David Wilson

Producer: Tamsin Glasson

Prod co: Colonel Blimp

Director of Photography: Tim Green

1st Assistant Director: James Dyer

Gaffer: Steve Finberg

Focus puller: Matt Wesson

DIT: Jay Patel & Ben Worthington

Motion control: The VFX company

Art Direction: Andy Kelly, Clem Miller, Ashley Dando, Shaun Fenn, Sarah Ascroft, Fiona Russel, Arthur deBorman, Max Halstead

Breasts: Die Mortal

Make Up: Lynda Darrah

Boys: Billie, Hank, Noah and Dylan

Editor: James Rose at Cut and Run

Edit Assistant: Sam Ostrove at Cut and Run

Edit House Producer: Kirsty Oldfield at Cut and Run

Post Production: Andy Godwin at Hogarth Worldwide

Post Production Producer: Lauren Jones at Hogarth Worldwide

Telecine: James Bamford at The Mill London

Telecine Producer: Cath Short at The Mill London

Commissioner: Emily Tedrake

Record Label: Polydor Records

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