Home FEATUREHow to Style #How to Style:The Misanthrope

#How to Style:The Misanthrope

by changfl

還沒調適過來準時上工的節奏,早起、通勤、打卡,煩 ; 另外一半一早就提醒著今天可是重要的大好日子,禮物準備好了沒?晚餐訂了沒?內心焦急顫抖,煩。看來在這個審慎思考來年規劃的關鍵時分,好像一切都是那麼的瑣碎惱人,即便這是身而為人的浪漫,甜蜜的負擔。

但今回讓我們反骨的活著,誰說初春就該活力有朝氣,凡事畢恭畢敬當個乖乖牌?穿上具有個性輪廓的服飾,運用丹寧、皮件、銀飾帶出世代的發聲主權,暫時將所有規範拋諸腦後,對未來大喊一聲 F**K UP!當個「The Misanthrope」又何嘗不可?


Produce:Lee Tea | Photo:Swim |Styling & Text:Changfl |Style Assist:TSH|Hair & Make:Yuki | Model: sergioshu、Sofia | Web:Lin Fu



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Misanthrope Key Point:Blue Way 

on him

Leather Jacket by James Grose (24PressRoom)|Shirt by Wacko Maria (JOURNAL STANDARD)|Jeans by Levis Vintage Clothing (Levis)|Necklace by Moto (Classic Works)|Rings by Needles /  FANTASTIC MAN  (24PressRoom)

on her

Jacket by Levis Made & Crafted (Levis)|Leather Vest by Double Helix (Classic Works)|Jeans by Levis Vintage Clothing (Levis)|Necklace by FANTASTIC MAN (24PressRoom)|Bracelet by Moto (Classic Works)



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Misanthrope Key Point:Cutting x Pattern

on him

Leather Jacket by Far Eastern (Classic Works)|Denim Shirt by Wacko Maria (JOURNAL STANDARD)|Denim Pants by WESTOVERALLS (JOURNAL STANDARD)|Necklace by FANTASTIC MAN  (24PressRoom)|Rings by Needles / FANTASTIC MAN (24PressRoom)

on her

Denim Jacket by 77 circa (JOURNAL STANDARD)|Leather Jacket by James Grose (24RressRoom)|Shirt by JOURNAL STANDARD (JOURNAL STANDARD)|Jeans by Levis Vintage Clothing (Levis)|Belt by ken guaranteed (Classic Works)



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Misanthrope Key Point:I’m going to say……

on him 

Sweat by FRED PERRY x ACF (FRED PERRY)|Ballon Jeans by Levis Vintage Clothing (Levis)|Belt by ken guaranteed (Classic Works)

on her

Sweat by SKIN (JOURNAL STANDARD)|Skirt by FRED PERRY (FRED PERRY)|Belt by ken guaranteed (Classic Works)



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Misanthrope Key Point:Hard & Soft

on him

Leather Jacket by James Grose (24PressRoom)|Leather Vest by Double Helix (Classic Works)|Polo Shirt by FRED PERRY (FRED PERRY)|Belt by ken guaranteed (Classic Works)|Bracelet by FANTASTIC MAN  (24PressRoom)

on her

Overall by Carhartt WIP (Carhartt)|Necklace by Moto (Classic Works)|Bracelet by Moto (Classic Works)



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Misanthrope Key Point:The Luster

on him

Leather Vest by Double Helix (Classic Works)|Shirt by Wacko Maria (JOURNAL STANDARD)|Pants by FRED PERRY (FRED PERRY)

on her

Leather Vest by Double Helix (Classic Works)|Parka by HOLIDAY (JOURNAL STANDARD)|Shirt by FRED PERRY (FRED PERRY)|Necklace by Moto (Classic Works)



Shop List

JOURNAL STANDARDClassic WorksFRED PERRYLevisCarhartt24PressRoom


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